Politique en matière de protection de la vie privée et de cookies

  • In this Privacy Policy, the aim is to make Customers/Users aware of the general rules for processing personal data, which are collected and processed in strict compliance with the provisions of current personal data protection legislation, namely, Regulation 679/2016 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016.
  • The use, on the website, of certain content or services, in particular the request to schedule appointments or request clarification, may imply access to the User’s personal data, which will be processed by Clínica Luso Espanhola, in accordance with the Law Personal Data Protection Regulation in force.
  • CLE assumes that they are true and accurate and were inserted by the User or their insertion duly authorized by the same.
  • The insertion of personal data by the User implies their consent to the respective collection and processing.
  • CLE is the entity responsible for collecting and processing Users’ personal data, which is processed and stored electronically by the Clinic.
  • The personal data collected will be kept in a way that allows identification only for the period necessary to achieve the purposes of collection or subsequent processing, after which they will be deleted.
  • CLE assumes that the data collected was entered by the respective holder and that its insertion was authorized by the same, being true and accurate.
  • Under the terms provided for by Law, the User is guaranteed the right to access, update and rectify their personal data, as well as the right to object to their processing, upon written request addressed to Clínica Luso Espanhola, to the address Rua da Venezuela, nº 139, R/C, 4150-744 Porto.
  • If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions of Use of the website and Privacy Policy, send us your request for clarification to Clínica Luso Espanhola, Rua da Venezuela, nº 139, R/C, 4150- 744 Porto.
  • The management, administration, use and application of the website’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy are subject to Portuguese Law. In the event of an emerging dispute and/or arising from the interpretation and/or application of this Agreement, the Judicial Court of the District of Porto will have jurisdiction, expressly waiving any other.