Clinica Luso Espanhola is one of the most respected aesthetic clinics in Portugal.
Our team is made up of the best specialists and we use the most advanced medical technology.


Increased abdominal volume caused by obesity, ageing, sagging muscles and localised subcutaneous fat can be corrected with this plastic surgery called Abdominoplasty.

The aim of this surgery is to remove excess fat and skin from the abdomen and, where necessary, correct the sagging muscles in the centre of the abdomen. The anterior rectus abdominis muscles can be separated (diastasis) as a result of pregnancy or successive weight loss and gain.

Surgical procedure

All excess skin and fat must be removed. For this reason, a horizontal incision or cut is made above the pubic hair and the excess fat and skin above and below the navel is detached.

In most cases, the belly button has to be redone. Sutures are placed to bring the muscles closer together and the area is closed. Due to the large detachment, drains must be left in place to avoid the formation of seromas.


Type 1
Conventional abdominoplasty with umbilical transposition and plication of the rectus abdominis muscles.

Type 2
Mini-abdominoplasty: there is no umbilical transposition and the scar is much smaller. It is indicated to correct small excesses of suprapubic skin.

Type 3
Mini abdominoplasty: same as the previous one, with a slightly higher scar. The umbilical insertion can be divided at its base. This causes the navel to slightly lower its position, but does not leave an umbilical scar.

Type 4
Abdominoplasty with umbilical transposition: the scar from the old navel is on top of the horizontal scar; This is due to there not being enough excess skin to be removed.

Vertical abdominoplasty, submammary abdominoplasty, etc.

real cases

Most patients lose some weight with this surgery, but it cannot be considered a weight loss operation. It is aimed at treating localised fat and remodelling the body contour.

The best results are obtained in people with a weight close to average for their height and age, with some laxity of the abdominal wall skin or a slight excess of fat or sagging of the abdominal wall muscles.

Occasional minor adjustments may be necessary. The result is generally permanent, although future weight changes or pregnancies may cause some of the benefits of the surgical intervention to be lost.

Your surgeon is the best person to tell you if your expectations are compatible with the result that the surgery will allow.

Although scars are the inevitable result of any surgery, your surgeon will make every effort to ensure that the scar is as inconspicuous as possible. In most cases, the scar can be hidden by the bikini. However, scarring is a personal characteristic and varies from patient to patient. The final result is visible after 6 months.

Frequently asked questions

Although not common, abdominoplasty, like any other surgical procedure, can have complications such as seroma, haematoma, suture dehiscence, infection, skin necrosis, etc. Whatever the type of complication, it is important to be calm and understanding, entrusting the doctor with the responsibility of resolving the problem.

The appearance of any of the problems mentioned above is part of the so-called ‘calculated risk’, which applies to all types of surgery. Fortunately, they don’t occur very often and don’t usually jeopardise the results.



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