Anti-Aging Medicine Consultation
The anti-aging consultation is a preventive appointment aimed at helping to provide a better quality of life by preventing and delaying the signs and symptoms associated with aging through a detailed, holistic, and individualized assessment.
It falls under the umbrella of Functional Medicine, which, according to The Institute for Functional Medicine, is an individualized, science-based medicine that is centered on the patient.
It is based on five fundamental pillars: Nutrition, Physical Exercise, Lifestyle Changes, Non-Hormonal Supplementation, and Hormonal Modulation. These pillars aim to identify, prevent, and combat the underlying causes of aging-related diseases.
During this consultation, a complete medical history is taken, including a detailed assessment of symptoms, complemented by a physical examination and the request for essential laboratory and diagnostic tests. This helps analyze which pillar(s) require more directed attention to establish a personalized plan tailored to the patient’s goals and expectations.
Thus, it aims for a patient-centered approach rather than merely focusing on the disease.